JJWalker has had a creative career as a freelance designer, leading creative steer for a variety of bijou, full agency design studios and as Art Director for a number of large international corporations as well as making exclusive furniture designs for One of One in the UK and running his own product and avant garde furniture design company. He currently works in a number of mediums— outputting beautiful, highly conceptual works in bronze, cast resin, and oil on canvas.

“We are gods and idiots in the blink of an eye…
We are a fragile vessel of contradictions that
I wish to untangle.”
Human figures are a prominent feature in my work. They occur in multiple forms. The obese and the delgado – as deities, kings and commoners. The wise and the foolish. The open and the closed, for I have a fascination with our endless and perplexing ability to mix rationality with absurdity,  and atrocity with kindness.
We are if nothing else, reliably contradictory. We are innovative with ideas and crass with their application. We have never been so free-thinking, independent, and individualistic, yet we will voraciously consume the latest, pointless tech. upgrade or blindly follow the fashion flock over the industry’s prescribed electric pink cliff.
We are clever enough to look inside the atom and dumb enough to look over the poor. We treat our planet’s failing health with incredulity and the fact that it will result in our own demise with mind numbing apathy. We are gods and idiots in the blink of an eye. Arrogant and humble in a single breath. Greedy, generous, loving and hateful, dependent on which side of the bed we rose from. We are a fragile vessel of contradictions that I wish to untangle.
Trying to understand myself and the world we inhabit using creativity as a joy, weapon, distraction, wake-up call, and bigotry diuretic is, I believe a worthy and challenging task for an artist.