Andrzej Farfulowski
04.06.1980 Warsaw (Poland) – Permanent artist in Artevistas Gallery
Currently based in Barcelona (Spain). I’ve never had any art education because I was afraid that I can lose more than gain. The attitude towards my art is the same as the attitude towards my whole life. To explain myself as a person I can use the ‘language’ of my art and reversible I can explain my art using the ‘language’ of my life.. Both dimensions are ruled by the same mechanisms based on facing the same problems, the same weaknesses, the same needs, the same fears, the same conflicts, the same desires.. the same will to by my own studies learning about myself, trying to trust myself, to live more consciously and without fear.. to find a peace, calmness and agreement among contradictory elements in me.. to find a balance between extremes in opposition to each other.. to find a sense, strength and beauty.. I don’t know where I go and where I end up.. Whatever it is going to be I just want it to be true…